Rhayan joined Wells Fargo in 2016 to focus on driving customer satisfaction. He chose Wells Fargo because he already knew people who worked here and they had given him positive feedback about their experiences.
“As I recall, one of my colleagues working at Wells Fargo posted something about a training program on Facebook which I thought was great. In fact, that influenced my consideration to work for the company.”
It was Edgardo Laggui, a team leader who asked him to join Wells Fargo. “He was very persistent in convincing me to join the company. He told me that they were in need of someone who can help drive customer satisfaction. My day-to-day responsibility is to manage the team performance by providing ongoing coaching and feedback, recognizing and developing team members, identifying and managing risks, as well as completing daily management tasks.”
Since Rhayan joined the company, one of his biggest observations has been the investment Wells Fargo makes in employee development.
“The bank is very supportive when it comes to helping us succeed in our role. If you look at Develop You, the learning platform, there’s a lot of developmental training programs that you can utilize to improve your skills. On Teamworks, the company’s intranet portal, you can see inspiring TED Talks videos where you can get new ideas and different perspectives. Our generation is so lucky to have these tools where information is easily accessible. I would encourage all aspiring leaders to utilize these tools and training programs.”
Coaching is one of Rhayan’s biggest passions and strengths and his business group are always exploring ways to constantly improve their coaching skills. “The Learning and Development team recently facilitated a training session for us and it was truly a great learning experience. I use my learnings in my daily conduct and try to help team members get better, both professionally and personally.
I believe my biggest achievement so far has been knowing that I contribute to the company value of treating ‘people as a competitive advantage’. I am grateful that I am able help team members explore other career opportunities here in Wells Fargo by helping them develop their full potential.”
During his time at Wells Fargo, Rhayan has noticed that there is a lot more emphasis on work-life balance compared with his previous employers. “While we work hard to achieve our goals, the company always makes it a point that we are provided enough time and avenues to enjoy and have fun as well. They always make it a point that team members are really taken care of. They provide a positive working environment for everyone.”
When asked if he would recommend joining Wells Fargo to others Rhayan is enthusiastic, “Absolutely! We have a very strong organization with our vision of wanting to satisfy our customers’ financial needs and helping them succeed financially. This also translates in helping our team members to do the same. This company is really focused in providing financial literacy to us, to our customers and the community as well.”
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