Candidate Experience – Why Wells Fargo
[VISUAL: The title “WELLS FARGO Candidate Experience: Why Wells Fargo?” appears. Three Wells Fargo team members sit in workspace to discuss their experience working at Wells Fargo and the candidate experience.]
Kelsie Johnson, Candidate Experience Program Manager: People will always say, in a town where people are moving jobs every two years, every three years, why do you choose to stay? And I’m like, I’m surrounded by people that stay because you never know what’s going to be next. And that’s an exciting thing. And I don’t know, any of the roles I’ve stepped into at Wells, I never would’ve expected to be my next step. And I think that’s what’s so great about it is that you don’t have to leave, you can stay as long as you would like, because you are constantly being introduced to new career choices.
Aaron Kraljev, VP Wells Fargo Employer Branding: And I think that the banking industry has changed a great deal over the last 21 years. And so it really allowed me to create a set of different careers, all while staying with the bank. And I think that ability to do those different things but stay with the same organization and work with the same people, it has been amazing. And really what it comes down to, is you think about why Wells Fargo, and it really boils down to the people.
April Sherman, Employer Brand Business Initiatives Consultant: I would agree. I think it’s definitely been the people. The people that I’ve worked with have made a huge impact on my decision to stay and learn and grow about the different areas of the organization. It’s been really, really encouraging to work with managers that really empower you to be independent and creative, and be focused on your own ideas. They really empower you to kind of create your own path. And it’s really influenced my decision to stay and grow with the company.
Aaron: And the work continues to be a challenge. It’s not as though — I mean we’ve all been in position for a while. I’ve been in position for nine years and it’s very rare when I wake up and I’m like, “Well, I got this figured out.” I mean, the work continues to be very challenging, very interesting. And I think the fact that the work continues to present itself in different ways, and we kind of mold and evolve with the industry over time, it continues to make it interesting. And that’s something. I don’t think that’s ever going to go away.
Kelsie: Well and then people would know you well enough to know where you would be a good fit. And so, when you were approached about a new job —when they approached me about digital media, I was like, “I don’t know”. And Aaron was like, “Yes, you can do this!” And I loved it. But it was not something I would have immediately run towards.
April: Because you work with so many people in so many different areas of the company — like you were saying — you learn about what they’re doing. And they learn about what you’re doing. They see what you’re really good at. And that’s where the opportunities kind of present themselves. I always get that question too. I just talked to one of the interns that’s coming on board — not to our team, but another team —and he asked me, what has kept you there for 15 years? Because it’s true, it’s not really normal right now for people to stay at a company —at one company for so long. And one of the things I said was when you change, when you move across the company into different roles or on different teams, it feels like you’re moving to another company. It feels like you’re starting fresh. It feels like you’re starting new. And that can be really, really exciting. It could be really scary. But it’s really interesting. It keeps you interested. It’s just a whole new ballgame when you move from one area of the business to the next. And I think that that helps us learn and grow. And it’s been really exciting.
[VISUAL: The following text appears on-screen with the Wells Fargo logo:
Want To Work At Wells Fargo?]