Hear from Gabrielle at Wells Fargo
[Visual: Gabrielle speaks to the camera while sitting at a long wooden table with three small plants next to her.]
Gabrielle: My name is Gabrielle Duccini, and I lead the Human Resources Project Management Office. I manage a team of program managers, project managers, and project coordinators, and really what we do is help the Human Resources Group meet their strategic goals through project work.
The favorite thing about my job is the people. I know a lot of people say that, but I'm really genuine when I say I love my team, I love my partners, I love the people I work with. It helps me get up every morning and come to work. And Wells Fargo, we're a financial institution. You might think we're all buttoned up and serious, but we're not. We take our jobs very seriously, we have really important work to do, but we have a lot of fun doing it, and the team makes it fun.
I think one of my favorite projects was a really big complex project, and it was building a system for managed resources - some people call them contractors - and a means by which in a system - so in which to bring them in with fair pricing and equal opportunity for diversity suppliers. The reason why that project was my favorite, it was a really difficult project. We had a really big team, it was a several-year-long project, but it was great because I learned so much. I learned a lot about myself, I learned a lot about the company and the people that I work with. And you know, when you can get through trying times with your team members, you become much closer, and that's why that was my favorite project.